Click here to purchase tickets.
The 2012 Symposium for the Study of Myth has announced a Call for Proposals.
Click here for important information on how to submit your proposal!
Our December eNewsletter is now available – click here to read.
“Myth comes from the same zone as dream… from the great biological ground, whatever it may be. They are energies and they are matters of consciousness.” — Joseph Campbell
Join OPUS on Thursday, December 8th, 6:00 to 8:00 PM, for a viewing of Mythos II, “The Inward Path.”
Mythology scholar Joseph Campbell spent his life learning the “one great story” of humanity. In his final years, he gave a remarkable series of talks exploring all he had learned about myths, symbols, spiritual journeys, and more. Hosted by Oscar® winner Susan Sarandon, presented in the order Campbell intended, each is an invitation to sit at the feet of a master storyteller.
Click here for more details!
The Joseph Campbell Foundation has just released Mythos III! In this, the third of the Mythos series, five of Campbell’s lectures are brought together in a confluence representing, in Campbell’s words, “something that is typical to Europe and nowhere else, and that is respect for the individual and the individual path, the individual way.”
Within Mythos III:
Love as the Guide: The Arthurian Romances
The Path of the Heart: Parzival and the Grail Quest
Beyond Time & Space: The Romantic Philosophers
Between Pairs of Opposites: Thomas Mann and The Magic Mountain
Into the Well of Myth: The Joseph Novels and Modern Myth
We are happy to announce that through the care and consideration of Alain Dussert, Pacifica’s Director of Library Services, and Richard Buchen, Special Collections Librarian, the Joseph Campbell and Marija Gimbutas libraries can now be accessed online. It’s now easier than ever to explore these rich and primary resources, so do take advantage of the diverse holdings found within these libraries!
Click here for the Joseph Campbell Library
Click here for the Marija Gimbutas Library
These libraries will be open for catalog access through OPUS’ website in the very near future so stay tuned!
Our October eNewsletter is now available – click here to read.
OPUS Archives and Research Center is announcing the 2012 Christine Downing Dissertation Fellowship.
This Fellowship carries the name of Professor Downing in acknowledgement of her contribution to the fields of depth psychology and mythology, her many years of teaching at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and her gift to OPUS of her own archival materials. The purpose of the Downing Fellowship will be to award an annual scholarship to dissertation students of any accredited graduate level institution in the fields of depth psychology and mythology. Once awarded, the winning student must use the collections at OPUS for a significant amount of her or his dissertation research.
Visit our website for more information on guidelines and procedures.
“To change how we see things takes falling in love. The same becomes altogether different. Like love, a shift of sight can be redemptive – not in the religious sense of saving the soul for heaven, but in a more pragmatic sense. As at a redemptive center, you get something back for what you had misperceived as merely worthless. The noisome symptoms of every day can be revalued and their usefulness reclaimed…. A restructuring of perception is what I am after in this book. I want us to see the child we were, the adult we are, and the children who require us in one way or another, in a light that shifts the valences from curse to blessing, or if not blessing at least symptom of calling.”
James Hillman (1996), The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling, pp. 34-35.
What are new paths for the field of Women’s Spirituality and Goddess Studies? What are new models and methods for our scholarly inquiry? What are the complexities around issues of Cultural Appropriation? These are just a sampling of the possible topics to be considered for the Call for Papers, offered by The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology. Visit their site to learn about this exciting upcoming conference in San Francisco, CA, May 2012.
For important guidelines, deadlines, and details, please click here.