Dr. Safron Rossi, OPUS’ Curator of Collections, will be speaking on Marija Gimbutas. Dr. Rossi’s lecture, “The Symbolic Body of the Goddess in Neolithic Old Europe,” will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Ladera campus (801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, 93108). $45 general admission/$35 students/seniors/Pacifica alumni. Please RSVP to 805.969-5750.
The October episode from the Power of Myth series with Campbell and Moyers focuses on the theme of sacrifice in myth, as well as the importance of finding our own sacred places as the world and the collective pace hasten. Join Dr. Safron Rossi for a screening and discussion on Thursday, October 23 from 6-8pm at Pacifica Graduate Instit. 801 Ladera Lane in Santa Barbara. The event is FREE!! For additional details go to www.opusarchives.org.
OPUS is pleased to announce that construction has begun on a state-of-the art digitization lab. As the documents, slides, etc. in the archives are scanned, metadata will be gathered regarding each object. The purpose of the scanning and data collection is to make our archival holdings accessible online. The photos show
the wall between two spaces being removed to make a single, larger lab space. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting project!
See the link to a flyer describing the exciting workshop coming to OPUS on Saturday, April 26th: Katie Sanford Workshop!
When Superman Met Snow White: Women’s Mysteries and Archetypal Astrology in the Age of Aquarius
OPUS Archives and Research Center is pleased to announce a workshop with Katie Sanford and David Shephard, Saturday, April 26th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Pacifica Graduate Institute (801 Ladera Lane, Sta. Barbara, 93108). Katie’s paintings and book are housed in the OPUS archives.
Each of Katie’s paintings represents a visual and literary dialogue that goes on for all us us between our Soul-Self as Eros (in its feminine, Snow White personae) and our egoic-self as Logos (in its masculine, Superman personae). What will be wonderfully revealed is the transformative, antidotal power and relatedness of the Lunar Heroine (Snow White) working within each of us that is striving to heal our great “Mother-and-Father-” wound/shadow. When viewed astrologically within the context of this new Renaissance at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, Katie’s art serves us all as an incredibly important text of Rebirth and Individuation, providing profound insights into the emerging new wave of Women’s Mysteries and the Eros of our time.
Katie is 97 years old. She has expressed that the period of her life from 60, when she became a Jungian analyst, to the present has been the most fulfilling period of her life. David is a professional Astrologer with over thirty years of experience. He is a graduate of UCLA, with a degree in Physics. David has “read the stars” for thousands of clients, taught classes, and was the chief writer-editor for Starscroll.
Tickets are $99 paid in advance or $125 at the door – includes lunch. All proceeds will benefit OPUS Archives and Research Center. Space is limited. Call 805.969-5750 for reservations or information.
On March 16th Dr. Safron Rossi joined Duncan Campbell on his show Living Dialogues on KGNU- NPR in Boulder for a discussion on the new Joseph Campbell book Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine, which Safron edited for publication based on Campbell’s archival audio lectures.
Here’s a link to the recording of the interview: http://www.kgnu.org/livingdialogues
Updated OPUS scholarships information, showing the recently revised deadlines for the remaining 2014 academic start dates, is now available at opusarchives.org. Click on the Research Center tab, then Grants.
For 2014, the Joseph Campbell Mythological RoundTable© Group at OPUS will meet quarterly to screen portions of the “Power of Myth.” Each gathering will include a discussion facilitated by Safron Rossi, Ph.D., Curator of Collections at OPUS, home of the Joseph Campbell Library and manuscript collection. Join us to watch “The Hero’s Adventure.” In this episode, Campbell talks about the presence of the hero archetype and the heroic journey as a part of each person’s life. Through his brilliant and clear description of the hero’s journey, we learn how to look at our own lives mythically and to begin to identify our personal mythology. Join us Thursday, February 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Room B at Pacficia Graduate Institute, 801 Ladera Lane, Sta. Barbara, CA 93108. The event is FREE.
OPUS Archives and Research Center is proud to announce the publication of Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine (Novato, California: New World Library, 2013) edited by Safron Rossi, OPUS Curator of Collections. The book will be available at both Pacifica Graduate Institute campus bookstores and at Amazon.com.
OPUS Archives and Research Center is pleased to announce the 2014 “Vision Scholarships” and the “Joseph Campbell & Jean Erdman Scholarship: Celebrating the Marriage of Mythology and Dance.” For more information and application guidelines go to www.opusarchives.org Research Center tab; Grants.