Mythology is…

“Mythology is the crop which the Old World bore before its soil was exhausted, before the fancy and imagination were affected with blight; and which it still bears, wherever its pristine vigor is unabated. All other literatures endure only as the elms which overshadow our houses
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Voice of the Ancestor: Jane’s Storm

“Listening to the storm gave me time to reminisce about our seacoast. The breakers, whatever their intensity, are indicators of the state of things. They also convey messages from distant lands–taking up the pressures from foreign storms thousands of miles away to spend th
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Myth 101: The Animal-Rumblings of Earthquake

In many cultures, it is not only the gods and goddesses to cause earthquakes.  Animals too, with restlessness, anger, fatigue, or just plain curiosity, cavort and roll about, instigating the great ruckus of earthquakes felt by we who live above.  For instance: In Japan, the monstrous
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Letting the wild reveal itself

“That’s it: You have to let the wild reveal itself on its own say-so. The wild animal will deign to show itself when it is ready, when it has weighed the situation, this way and that way and its way. Like the dream messages or the wind or whatever belongs to the wild, the
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