OPUS Archives and Research Center is pleased to announce that the Guidelines and Application Procedures for the 2014 – 2015 Christine Downing Dissertation Fellowship are now posted on our website at www.opusarchives.org. The deadline for submission is June 30, 2014.
OPUS Archives and Research Center is pleased to announce that Shannon Sloan-Spice has been awarded the 2013 Christine Downing Fellowship Award. The purpose of the Fellowship is to award an annual scholarship to dissertation students of any accredited graduate level institution in the fields of depth psychology and mythology. Shannon’s dissertation “Sovereignty and Soul-Making: Love Song of the Soror Mystica,” was inspired by a 2011 visit to the OPUS Archives which led her to discover the collection devoted to the work of Jane Hollister Wheelwright.
The Christine Downing Fellowship is awarded annually. The next cycle will be announced in November. For more information, please visit our website and review the application and instructions (www.opusarchives.org).
Exciting News – The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology has just announced their Call for Papers for the 22014 National Conference! See full details below or by clicking here:
Call for Papers
Borderlands: Scholarship as Pilgrimage and Mystery
The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM)
2014 National Conference San Antonio, TX March 28-30
We invite you to submit proposals to the ASWM Third Biennial National Conference. ASWM is a professional organization supporting scholarly and creative endeavors that explore or elucidate aspects of the sacred feminine.
Suggested topics for this conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
Proposals for papers, panels, and workshops addressing these topics will be given preference, but other subjects will be considered. Papers should be 20 minutes; up to four papers on a related topic may be proposed together. Workshops (limited to 90 minutes) should be organized to provide audience interaction and must clearly address theme.
Presenters from all disciplines are welcome, as well as creative artists, filmmakers and practitioners who engage mythic themes in a scholarly manner in their work. Presenters must become members of ASWM prior to conference.
Send 250-word abstract (for panels, 200 word abstract plus up to 150 words per paper) to aswmsubmissions@gmail.com by October 15, 2013. Include bio of up to 70 words for each presenter, as well as contact information including surface address and email. See www.womenandmyth.org.
Our July eNewsletter is now available – click here to read.
If you haven’t done so, join our email list and receive this direct to your inbox
Join Pacifica Graduate Institute for a four week seminar on the works of Joseph Campbell will be offered from June 5 – July 2, 2013 and will involve video lectures, readings, photographs, and small group discussion. Each week will feature a different study on the work of Campbell. For more information and to register click here.
Opus is proud to announce a conference based on the work of Dr. Lucy Huskinson, one of the three recipients of our New Mythos II Grant! She was awarded the grant based on her proposal, “Being Built: Re-Visioning Architectural Design and Urban Planning for Our Existential Needs.”
City Margins, City Memories: An international conference at The Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London School of Advanced Study, cosponsored by Opus, will take place April 7th-8th, 2014.
Submissions on all aspects of the city that involve city margins or/and city memories as they relate to the human-built environment and our mental and spiritual well-being are sought. Particularly, the ways in which architecture and urban planning impact the psyche throughout our lives, and consequently, how interventions within such design and planning can enhance our well-being both personally and as a community.
To submit a proposal or obtain more information, please e-mail cityconference@bangor.ac.uk.
The deadline for proposals is June 7th, 2013.
Don’t forget to apply!
This annual Fellowship offers an incredible opportunity for dissertation students of any accredited graduate level institution in the fields of depth psychology and mythology to obtain a scholarship.
Once awarded, the winning student must use the collections at OPUS for a significant amount of her or his dissertation research. We look forward to receiving your application. Please apply by the 30th of June!
For more information and the Fellowship guidelines, please click here.
On November 11th, 2011 Doyle Hollister gave a lecture as part of Jane Hollister Wheelwright Lecture Series, sponsored by Opus. Based on that lecture, Doyle wrote and has just recently published “Jane Hollister Wheelwright: Pioneer Ecopsychologist, Explorer of Wilderness Terrain, Inner and Outer.”
The article is in this most recent issue of Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche. 7:1, 19-33. To read or purchase it online please click the following link: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujun20#.UX6zncrvjTo
In nine and a half hours of footage, Marlene Schiwy interviews Marion Woodman as they discuss many topics including: the Death Mother and Death Father archetypes, dreams, addiction, creativity, and experiences from Marion’s personal analyses with Dr. Bennet.
Click here for an excerpt of Marion Woodman in conversation with Marlene Schiwy. With her clever storytelling, renowned Jungian analyst and writer, Marion Woodman, shares her personal analysis experiences with Dr. E. A. Bennet in London. Produced by Principia Productions. For a list of the topics covered click here. Please send order inquiries to princip@shaw.ca.
Join Opus on May 9th for Tarotpy®: An Innovative Approach to DreamWork and Depth Psychotherapy
“The goal of the journey is to discover yourself as consciousness”
–Joseph Campbell
“Because our psychic stuff is images, image-making is a via regia,
a royal road to soul-making.” — James Hillman
Join us for an evening of Tarotpy®. Lauren Z. Schneider will show us how to work with the rich symbolic imagery of Tarot, Dream Cards, Soul Cards and other archetypal images to lay the unconscious on the table and make conscious that which is vital for emotional, physical and spiritual growth. We will explore Joseph Campbell’s perspectives on sacred space, living myth, and the hero’s journey, and colorful case studies will illustrate James Hillman’s theory that “image-making is…a royal road to soul-making.” This presentation is both didactic and experiential; decks will be provided and participants are welcome to bring their own cards.
Lauren Z. Schneider, M.A. M.F.T. integrates family systems, dream work and her pioneering method, Tarotpy® in an innovative approach to psycho-spiritual counseling. She lectures worldwide and facilitates dream and Tarotpy® groups for training therapists and laypersons.
For more information click here.