Introducing the Robert Walter Mythological Reference Collection at Opus

We are thrilled to announce that through a very special and generous donation by Founder and President of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, Robert Walter, Opus is now housing a Mythological Reference Book Collection.

Bob began collecting some of the volumes as a way of tracking the influence of Campbell’s work in popular culture. The interest in comparative myth and fairy tales went mainstream after the airing of “The Power of Myth” on PBS. Other volumes Bob collected are critical to the Campbell legacy including primary sources that he relied upon in his writing such as Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West, as well as works by his colleagues such as first editions of Heinrich Zimmer’s books which Campbell republished with Bollingen.

This new library includes an exquisite collection of mythological reference resources, scholarly and historical tomes, beautifully illustrated fairy tales, and mythic fiction series.

On our shelves you can find such titles as L. Frank Baum’s Tales of Oz, the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, and Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tale Series. Many volumes are beautifully bound and contain evocative illustrations to feed your imagination and research!


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