Hillman on America and the Shift of Ages

Part 2 of James Hillman’s interview with Pythia Peay on the Huffington Post is available. In it he touches on some important themes worth pondering including the ability to take a classical stance to the chaos of the times and look backwards upon what is decaying as opposed to scanning the horizon for what is new – the ner myth, the new plan, a particularly American vice he says.

Hillman also calls for a deeper thinking on the idea of freedom – not teenage freedom which is an independence from daddy or momma(government, law, big business)…but freedom as the ability to hold open space. “I’m saying that we haven’t thought about the idea of freedom enough. It needs to be internalized as an inner freedom from “demand” itself: the kind of freedom that comes when you’re free from those compulsions to have and to own and to be someone.”

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