“Feminine consciousness is concerned with process. It sees the goal as the journey itself and recognizes that the goal is consciousness of the journey. Being in consciousness of Becoming. To see the goal as the process itself is bringing to the masculine beam of light a ‘dome of many-colored glass’ which refracts that beam, and, like a prism, makes it many-faceted, every facet being a mirror of the center, the center being in every facet” (Woodman, The Pregnant Virgin 169).

Wholeo Dome

Myth 101 – Laozi or Lao Tzu, philosopher of ancient China and author of the Tao Te Ching. He is one of the Three Pure Ones who are the Gods of the Taoist pantheon.

Inspired to find a balance in the rush and quickening that seems to mark our personal and collective lives, a few words from Lao Tzu illuminates – “Make haste slowly”.

James Hillman writes about the archetypal qualities of slowness and its wisdom in his essays on the Senex. See Hillman’s Uniform Edition Vol.3 Senex and Puer.