Bibliographies are provided for informational purposes about the extent of a scholar’s work, and presence on this list does not equate to availability in the Archives. Consult the Archives for any published titles or related manuscripts that may be accessible in the collection.
The Archetypal Universe: Myths and Symbols of the Heavens. (1984). Privately published manuscript.
Archetypal Sagittarius and the Myths of Chiron, Apollo, and Artemis. (2001). Geocosmic Magazine, Autumn.
Chiron: Archetypal Image of Teacher and Healer. (1982). In J. Neely and E. Tarkington, Ephemeris of Chiron, 1890-2000. Phenomena Publications.
Maritha on Counseling: A Landscape of Jung’s Thought (guest column). (1979). The Mutable Dilemma, 2(4).
Psychologizing Predictions. (Photocopy with no date). In Astrology Now. 46-50.
Zodiacal Virgo and the Ceres Complex. (1981). Geocosmic Research Monographs: Astrology Faces Mythology, No.2, 15-19.
Articles, publications unknown (photocopies held in OPUS Archives)
Anima Mundi: Essays on Myth & Astrology: Toward an Archetypal Understanding of Minor Planet Astrology. 12-13.
Reflections on Scorpio and Pluto. (1982).
Uranus in Sagittarius: The Next Seven Years. 3-4.